<aside> 📢 This page has been published to the web and is publicly accessible to all customers using the Clearbit platform.
Great choice to take advantage of all the functionality offered by the new HubSpot integration! This unlocks more sophisticated tools, actionable insights from your data, and customizable interactions. We’ve crafted this guide with easy, step-by-step instructions to make your setup a breeze. Let’s dive right in and get you up to speed!
First, head over to https://app.clearbit.com/ and log in - your account has already been upgraded at no additional cost. Using the menu bar, navigate to the Integrations section of the Clearbit platform and click Manage under the HubSpot card.
Note: this integration is built under an entirely new application. If you haven’t authenticated to HubSpot in the Clearbit platform yet, you’ll be prompted to do so after clicking the “configure” button. Make sure you connect to the same account you’ve been using Clearbit enrichment on.
You will notice that the new integration has separate configurations for the Contact and Company objects. This gives you full control over how you’d like to enrich each type of record. These are the options under Contact.
The Field Mappings section is where you define which Clearbit attributes you’d like to send over to your HubSpot properties. Any field that was previously enriched through our legacy app (https://hubspot.clearbit.com/enrichment) was automatically migrated for you.